WinterABC is a month-long storytelling festival commencing from the 1st of June each year. This is the 5th year running and we are inviting all African Digital Storytellers to create content for the 22 weekdays of June. The weekends are reserved for resting, planning out content and networking. Read more about WinterABC here.

WinterABC2023 Storytelling Festival
Each year is always a little different…
For WinterABC2023 we were inspired by the imagery of gathering around a fire and used that as the basis for the weekly themes that will guide you in your content creation. It is up to you to interepret the themes in a way that resonates with you, your style or blogging niche and just push the boundaries of your creativity.
Gather around and feel the warmth of the fire, get to know about us and our world just a little better
WEEK 1: The Spark 1- 2 June 2023 | Every fire begins with a spark, introduce us to that spark that makes you, you and what we can expect of you from this storytelling festival. |
Week 2: The Flame 5-9 June 2023 | After the spark comes the flame, welcome us to beauty in our stories, childhood, memories, lived experiences and showcase the creativity of the place you call home |
Week 3: The Warmth 12-16 June 2023 | Gathering around the now burning fire, the warmth is what draws people closer, culture, uBuntu, society, community, travel. Showcase the beauty and diversity in our continent |
Week 4: The Light 19-23 June 2023 | Fire also gives us light… Light up our world to the things we should see, the lessons we should learn, the values we should uphold, the opportunities to pursue, the technology that will save us or drown us, our environment and the future to come. |
Week 5: Rekindling 26-30 June 2023 | After awhile the fire dies down and needs to be rekindled. Inspire us, surprise us, move us, show us who you are. This Is Africa! |
Partnered Topics
Through various partnerships and collaboratorations, we may have stakeholders who wish to have some conversations started and we will list them below:
Bhala Writers: Write a story inspired by an African food or flavor that includes the phrase “l could almost taste it…“
Feeling a bit stuck? We collected some suggestions of topics from the Community and maybe you might find something that sparks your interest.
Final Note: We are open to all multimedia content creators being a part of this and not just bloggers and writers but podcasters, vloggers and even photographers welcome.
Pingback: The Spark – 1 – Gamba with J