NeverEndingAbc – Kadali Bartlett
NeverEndingAbc – Kadali Bartlett

NeverEndingAbc – Kadali Bartlett

Previously on the NeverEndingABC…. an Afrobloggers Chain Story where a different author contributes to the story, like the links in a chain…. The previous story ends with Mona discovering she knows and has always known the name of the Ghost witch to be Grandmother Kai — To read the previous instalment in full visit Gentle Giant’s Blog – Never Ending Story

Grandma Kai? But grandma Kai died years ago. How can it be? Then Mona knew she was dead because there was no way she would see Grandma Kai, if she were alive. Tears started to filll her eyes and her heart pounding heavy.

At her sickbed, the monitors started flickering and her friends gathered, “OMG she is awake“.

The doctors came rushing in, “No, she isn’t awake. Please get out and let’s attend to her”.

She was at her final destination. Grandma Kai was leading her to a land she where she won’t be able to even see the spirits of her friends. While the doctors worked, a tear fell down from her eyes. The body started to tremble like she was dancing Alingo. Then slowly slowly, her breathing picked up and slowly the breath became air.

The machines went silent and the doctors’ faces dropped.

Grandma Kai and the Mona with a wiggling tail kept walking only that now she felt free and at ease. She didn’t ask if she would see her friends anymore. Her face was sad as she followed Grandma Kai around. “She won’t hurt me, I was her favourite. But I thought she became an angel. That’s what mama had said, why is she like a witch…?”

Thoughts played in her head and before she knew it, she could feel a ray of light on her skin. From snow, to a dessert like place, with a bright light ahead and grandma Kai’s face shinning bright like a full moon. Her tail disappeared and her heart felt free. She turned back and she didn’t see a trace of snow nor her tail.

She was Mona again only that she could walk through trees.

This instalment of the NeverEndingABC was submitted by Kadali.Bartlett  who blogs at

NeverEndingABC Links


  • Read and copy the rules
  • You have one week but if you can do it in less even better
  • start a new post Max 500 words
  • Begin your instalment with a brief intro and summary of how the story had ended previously on the NeverEndingABC
  • Include a link to where the previous instalment can be read in the opening paragraph
  • At the bottom of your post update the NeverEndingABC links so one can follow where else the story has been.
  • If one week passes and you have not published your story next person in line automatically becomes legible to start.
  • For a list of the other participants and full rules check Afrobloggers Post
  • contact Afrobloggers to be part of the line-up of participants
  • If you do not have a blog of your own or cannot post on your site contact Afrobloggers


  1. Pingback: NeverEndingABC Story - Nicole - Afrobloggers

  2. Pingback: NeverEndingABC - Tanaka - Afrobloggers

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