Content Ideas For The Holidays
Content Ideas For The Holidays

Content Ideas For The Holidays

 The holidays are coming….

The holidays are for resting and spending time with the family. The holidays are also a gold mine of content ideas and an enterprising blogger can ride the wave of holiday traffic and end the year on a high note.

 content ideas for the holidays

Why should you do holiday content?

•Holiday posts do not need much in the way of inspiration: research, observation and recollection can serve you. This is excellent for those who struggle with coming up with content ideas.

•Holiday Content is easy to update and repurpose… For example, if you wrote about Gift Ideas in 2020 in 2021 you can update with newer trends and upgrades.

•Regardless of your niche, holiday content can be tailor-made to suit any type of blog, be it a natural hair blog or a fitness blog.

•The excitement of the holiday season can serve as an inspiration and as the New Year rolls in that energy can give you momentum to start the year on a high.

•Lets face it, the holidays are overly commercialised. You didn’t start this trend maybe you can change it and help remind people what the holidays are really about or you could even plug your own services, skills and products…

 Holiday Content Ideas

Blogmas: A blog everyday challenge from the 1st of December upto the 25th of December. There is usually daily prompts or topics to follow depending on the Blogmas Challenge you are doing. You can find different versions of Blogmas online or you can even create your own.

>Sylvia Ideh The Badass Blogger is running a challenge for the Blogmas SZN you can check it out for inspiration. Click Image to download a short ebook on Blogmas SZN

BOTY2021: Best Of The Year is a blogging challenge by Blog Indaba  which is a celebration of the best moments from the year. Its in the spirit of a personal awards ceremony where you award outstanding experiences from the year. Did you read a good book or watch a great movie, or maybe a business with exceptional service?…

Best of the year Holiday content
Best of the year #BOTY2021

While you don’t have to blog every day, you can make use of some of the prompts to create your holiday content

•The most searched for content during the holiday season will be gift ideas and holiday activities. 

A few quick tips to a successful holiday guidepost:

  • A good title can connect with the ideal reader
  • Write about things you have experience with or used
  • Include contact details, links and pricing guide (dont be that DM for prices type of communicator)
  • Money saving hacks because we all trying to stretch our savings
  • Honesty goes a long way

Will you be posting any content during the holiday season? Let us know in the comments below and if you have any other ideas for content add them too.

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