Afrobloggers endorsement

Afrobloggers endorsement

The Endorsement Badge is given to African Bloggers for exceptional efforts in storytelling towards positively shifting the African narrative. It is different from the Afrobloggers Awards in that this is an honorary award that you cannot apply for. This is the highest honor that Afrobloggers bestows on any individual in their community.

Endorsement Badge
The Afrobloggers Endorsement Badge.

Why Endorsement?

The badge is awarded by a council of people who are passionate about Africa, the arts, and digital storytelling as a way of inspiring more Africans to pick up the pen and share their stories. This is our way of recognizing African bloggers who are doing wonderful things in the African storytelling space, from those who are churning out excellent content to those who are using their platforms to promote more African voices.

We also acknowledge the existence of bloggers who are using their platforms to do more harm than good. These bloggers spread false information, bully others, misrepresent authoritative voices through creating conspiracy theories and plagiarize the work of other content creators. It is our hope that through this award we will be able to shine a light on bloggers who are exemplary and inspire more digital storytellers to use their online platforms in a responsible manner.